Onesource and Job Searching
Ah autumn – the brilliant foliage, the crisp evening air, the smell of burning leaves, the many students beginning their job search. Yes, it’s that time of year when the thought on many minds is where will I work, and my advice begins with Onesource.
A jack-of-all-trades database, Onesource allows students to build a list of companies meeting their needs for where they want to work, which industry, how large or small, and/or whether the headquarters are in the US with subsidiaries in Tahiti. From that list, they can download the list and include data such as location, size, and officers names’ and titles.
Though Onesource can’t tell you if there’s a job opening within a company, it can help you pinpoint your search to a select list. Need more information? Feel free to ask us now.
Tags: Library Databases