Media Review: The China Study & Forks Over Knives

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Campbell, T. Colin. The China study : the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted and the startling implications for diet, weight loss and long-term health. BenBella Books, 2005.

Fulkerson, Lee (writer/director). Forks over knives. Monica Beach Media & Virgil Films. 2011.

At least once every month, I learn about a Fuqua faculty or staff member who has been diagnosed with cancer.  Many others are survivors – thanks to Duke Univ. Medical Center.  And any student who lives long enough runs the risk of this disease, which some people are calling an epidemic.

Staff member and cancer survivor Mia Ketchum recommended two resources for the Ford Library’s health management collection – the video Forks over Knives and the book, The China Study* by Dr. Colin and Thomas Campbell.

The book and the video cover the same topic — the connection between diet and chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes,  and cancer.  They also review the work of scientists and conclude that a whole foods, plant based diet can prevent these diseases.  Furthermore, they provide evidence that this diet can repair damage to cells, reversing the course of disease and restoring one to full health.

In discussing the link between food and health, these scientists recommend that patients eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains, avoiding animal based foods including meat, fish, milk, cheese and eggs.  The ideal diet is a vegan diet, composed of whole unprocessed foods, based on plants.  The authors are convinced that scientific evidence about diet has been tainted by financial support for scientific research in nutrition made by the dairy and meat industries.

As a cross check, this reviewer contacted the nutritionist at Duke Radiation Oncology and discovered that Duke is also recommending that their patients eat more plants and fewer animal based foods, although they stop short of recommending a vegan regimen.

Not everyone will be motivated to adopt a vegan regimen, yet those interested in maintaining a healthy diet would find this book or video illuminating.

* The China Study is also available as an audiobook.

© Reviewer: Meg Trauner & Ford Library – Fuqua School of Business.
All rights reserved.

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