Ford Library Closed Wednesday – 1/29/2014

Duke University has extended the Severe Weather Policy until 5PM this evening, and Duke and Fuqua have cancelled classes. Ford Library will therefore be closed for the day, Wednesday, January 29.

Remember to check the Duke Alert web site for the latest updates on how winter weather affects Duke and Fuqua’s operations.

2 Responses to “Ford Library Closed Wednesday – 1/29/2014”

  1. Willie Green Says:

    I have a book due today. Can I have the due date extended to Friday?


  2. Carlton Says:

    Hello Willie. We’re sorry we missed your comment until today! If you have not already done so, send an email to and let them know the title of the book, and they should be able to take care of this for you. Under most circumstances, we won’t charge people overdue fines if they cannot return a book because of an unscheduled Library closing due to weather.

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