Book Review: Jab, jab, jab, right hook
Vaynerchuk, Gary. Jab, jab, jab, right hook : how to tell your story in a noisy social world. HarperBusiness 2013.
The annoying title of this new book about social media marketing masks its excellent content. Author of other well-received books on branding on the internet, media consultant Gary Vaynerchuk offers his formula for developing social media content.
Vaynerchuk begins by explaining that creating social media campaigns is like boxing. Strategy is key. Companies patiently build authentic relationships with their customers, one jab (conversation, engagement) at a time. Eventually, it is time to deliver a bruising swing (right hook) that will knock out customer resistance, increasing sales and market share.
Beautifully illustrated, this book contains many examples from Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr containing successful and failed content. For each platform, Vaynerchuk shows how to produce content that is fresh and unique, followed by 10 to 30 examples of branded posts, with both poor form and perfect execution. In each case, Vaynerchuk delivers a color commentary about what makes it good or bad, criticizing aesthetics, images, links, text, tone, timing, tagging and more as he guides the reader in the art of strategic storytelling.
This engaging and informative book is recommended to those who are using new ways to communicate with customers.
© Reviewer: Meg Trauner & Ford Library – Fuqua School of Business.
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