New and Notable Business Books
The Ford Library has been serving up book reviews on this blog for 4 years. This week, in place of the standard fare is a salmagundi of summaries from 5 new books about business.
Insanely Simple by Ken Segall
Shows how Apple uses the power of simplicity in hardware, software, strategy, marketing and retail to make the company the most valuable on earth.
American Icon by Bryce G. Hoffman
Provides a fly-on-the-wall account of the Ford Motor Company’s turnaround, from the brink of bankruptcy to the most profitable automaker in the world.
The Women of Berkshire Hathaway by Karen Linder
Recounts the lives of 9 female CEOs at Berkshire, beginning with Rose Blumkin, 90 year old manager of the Nebraska Furniture Mart; ending with Katharine Graham, publisher and chairman of the Washington Post.
Understanding Michael Porter by Joan Magretta
Distills the essence of Porter’s foundational work on strategy for managers – or for students who didn’t quite get it the first time. Also available as an audiobook.
The Accountants Guide to the Universe by Craig Hovey
Presents an odd little tale about outsourcing Heaven and Hell to illustrate the basics of accounting and finance.
© Reviewer: Meg Trauner & Ford Library – Fuqua School of Business.
All rights reserved.