I’ve been accepted to the Duke Fuqua MBA program. Should I attend BCC?
Please refer to your admission letter to verify if you are “required” or “encouraged” to attend “Program in Business, Communication, and Culture (BCC).” If attending the program is a requirement, you must complete the program by attending as a condition of your admission to the Duke MBA program. Please submit a non-refundable $500 enrollment deposit by the date listed in your student portal.
If your admission letter says that you are “encouraged” to attend the program, you may decide whether to join. The vast majority of students who have decided to join the program have told us that the ongoing coaching, support, and guidance they receive as part of the program have made an enormous difference for them. Before you make your decision, please watch the testimonials about the program on our Home page. If you do decide to join the program, please submit a non-refundable $500 enrollment deposit by the date listed in your student portal.