New Research Tool

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Ford Library has upgraded the “Articles” search tab in the Search & Find Box on our home page.

The new article search tool does a more comprehensive search, and delivers search results faster — results will display in around 2 seconds! The new system also searches more content, searching over 90 percent of Duke Libraries journal subscriptions.

When you use this new Article Search, you’ll be searching only for journal articles (the “Content Type” box on the left will be checked Journal Article). Any subsequent search from the results page will search across all content types, adding books, newspaper articles, etc.

You may search across all Duke Libraries collections simultaneously, but there may be times when you want to see only books, only journal articles, etc. You have complete control over this–-simply check the appropriate box under “Content Type.”

If you have any feedback or comments on this new search tool, please share it with us in the comments below, or send email to

– post content adapted from DUL Library News post made 3/4/11.

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