Archive for August, 2011

Five Days of Ford – Circulation

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

Five Days of Ford

Day Two introduces you to “circulation”.

When books are checked out and checked in by borrowers, they’re said to be “circulating” — like blood cells carrying the oxygen of knowledge through our student body :-).

Here’s the second survey link.  Thanks for your participation!

Five Days of Ford – Connect!

Monday, August 8th, 2011

Five Days of Ford, Day 1

Day One of the 5 Days of Ford invites you to engage with our social media outlets. Get to know our presence on these sites and connect with us!

Here’s the first survey link.  Let the games begin, and thanks for your participation!

Book Review: Reckles$ Endangerment

Monday, August 8th, 2011

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Morgenson, Gretchen and Joshua Rosner. Reckles$ endangerment : how outsized ambition, greed, and corruption led to economic armageddon. Henry Holt and Co., 2011.

Why read another book on the housing bubble and financial crisis that led to the recent recession? If you have read the numerous other books released in the past several years and are not familiar with name James Johnson, then that is a reason enough.

The other accounts have understated the role of Johnson, the Chief Executive of Fannie Mae from 1991-1998. Gretchen Morgenson, a New York Times reporter, and Joshua Rosner, an adviser to the financial industry, target Johnson as the architect of the private-public partnership to promote the home ownership drive.

Interestingly, Johnson and the other players in the book draw strikingly familiar parallels to Ayn Rand’s characters a half century ago. Rand demonstrated what can happen if unscrupulous characters in the private sector and the government form an alliance. Although Rand’s characters are fictional, unfortunately Reckless Endangerment’s are not.

Sister Jane Welcomes Thee!

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

We’ve taken a vow to help you get all you can out of our services and resources.

Book Review: Tears of a Clown

Monday, August 1st, 2011

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Milbank, Dana. Tears of a clown : Glenn Beck and the tea bagging of America. Doubleday, 2010.

Casey Anthony was declared not guilty and released from prison in July.  People were outraged.  Crowds chanted outside the prison.  Facebook and Twitter exploded with emotion.  Celebrities vented their shock and disbelief.  Even Kim Kardashian said she was speechless, and it was her father who got O.J. Simpson off from his murder charge.

Many people enjoy being outraged, the intense emotion providing a rush, spiking excitement into an ordinary day.  If you enjoy raging against the atrocious, consider the book Tears of a Clown, by Dana Milbank.

Author and journalist Dana Milbank tells the story of how a self-confessed “recovering dirtbag” ends up as the deranged and/or brilliant Glenn Beck on Fox television, where he rants nightly, shouting, smiling and weeping.  Beck refers to himself as a schmo, yet he lives in a walled community in Connecticut and manages a business empire earning $32 million a year.  He calls his enemies Nazis, makes anti-Semitic remarks and lambasts the “evil SOB, Woodrow Wilson.”  Beck lies, exaggerates, and distorts the truth.  But Milbank says all the craziness is for show and Beck is a gifted performer.

Since this book was written, Beck lost his spot on Fox, because his ratings fell to rock bottom and ad revenues dried up.  His last show was on June 30.  Without a TV platform, Beck and his media business may fade into the woodwork.    But for now, Milbank’s book makes for entertaining reading.

© Reviewer: Meg Trauner & Ford Library – Fuqua School of Business.
All rights reserved.